Trauma, thy name is fat lip

Nothing scares a parent like a child who gets hurt. Chris and I had our first official trauma last Thursday. It involved a clay pot and an almost-three-year-old who doesn’t like to watch where he’s going. Lather, rinse, let’s NOT repeat.

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Obsession starts early

Tenacious or obsessive? What do you call it when a 2-year old’s first words in the morning are “Star Wars!”, and his last words before going to bed are “Star Wars?”

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Our day with the manatees

One of the nice, unexpected results of moving to Florida is the amazing and diverse wildlife we get to experience on a daily basis. I’m glad the boys are being exposed to nature and all of its beauty.

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The simple things in life

While celebrations, holidays, and special events are the milestones we use to remember the years, it really is the day-to-day events that make up our lives. This is one of those moments.

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