FLEC Christmas Program, 2009
The FLEC 2009 Christmas program was my favorite one so far (of course, Zachary has only been in two). Having it at Forest Lake Church was certainly nice, and the live orchestra added that extra special something.
The FLEC 2009 Christmas program was my favorite one so far (of course, Zachary has only been in two). Having it at Forest Lake Church was certainly nice, and the live orchestra added that extra special something.
Ah yes, Tuesday again. That means some random Tuesday thoughts. This week we’ll cover my possibly broken toe, the inability of Winn-Dixie employees to read the birthdate off an ID (hence the scanning of them now), tomatoes as a fruit, and how freaking cool I’m discovering my MacBook Pro is.
It’s random Tuesday. That’s how I can relate Wordpress, domesticity, The Good Wife, Ken Ober, Pizza Hut and WriteRoom all in one post! Oh, and my blogging slump. Hopefully that is over!
Nothing scares a parent like a child who gets hurt. Chris and I had our first official trauma last Thursday. It involved a clay pot and an almost-three-year-old who doesn’t like to watch where he’s going. Lather, rinse, let’s NOT repeat.
Some things do get better with age. That goes for Las Vegas, too. Chris and I celebrated our tenth wedding anniversary back at the scene of the crime and had a better time than when we got married!
John Hughes died today. Marking the passing of a man whose movies splayed my teen years out there for everyone to see. Was I the princess? Was I the athlete? Was I the basket case? Does it matter? Hughes made it okay to be whoever you were. No matter what. In the immortal words of Ferris Bueller, “Life moves pretty fast. You don’t stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it. ”
Looking to save $2 a pop on ringtones for your iPhone? Look no further! These steps have been tested on the Mac (Leopard, iTunes 8, the original iPhone) and a PC (XP, iTunes 8) and work just fine. Enjoy, and be sure to let me know if these helped you. 🙂
What are cats really thinking? This diary entry reveals the truth. 🙂
Let’s check out my “life on the line” for the week of May 1.
Yes, I have another blog. And it needs a new theme, dammit!