Open yer wallets and give me some coin!
Every day, thousands of babies are born too soon, too small and often very sick. Zachary and I are walking in March for Babies with the Yellow Submarines team because we want to do something about this.
Every day, thousands of babies are born too soon, too small and often very sick. Zachary and I are walking in March for Babies with the Yellow Submarines team because we want to do something about this.
Whoever said March comes in like a lion, but goes out like a lamb was NOT referring to the Johnson household. March crept up on us like Tom stalking Jerry, and ended up like Tom chasing Jerry. It was busy.
It’s the very first remix/remake showdown. I have so many remakes and cover songs in my music library I decided it was time to put them head-to-head to see which one comes out the winner. This first installment has The Carpenter’s squaring off against Sonic Youth. Know what the song is?
I think I’m going to have to go on at least one more cruise before I can fully form an opinion on whether I like them a lot or not. We had a great time on our first cruise, but the water was so rough I had a tough time getting out of the cabin.
Was Web-Betty able to reconnect with ST? Did MM really give ST Web-Betty’s number? Will the doctor arrive in time to do the transplant?
Reaching out. It can be difficult, especially when you are the one who screwed things up by acting like an asshat. We’re not talking a little tiff. We’re talking about not speaking to your best friend for over a decade. This is part 1 of my tale on reaching out to my best friend from high school and into my 20’s.
I think that a personal theme song is not a static song, never meant to change. I mean, we’re not the same person at 35 that we were at 25, or 15. Instead, a personal theme song changes as we change and move forward with our lives. The theme some of a teenager in love will be vastly different than the theme song for that same person, 20 years later and married with two kids. Ah yes, the theme song of a work-at-home wife and mother of two.
Today is Viking Sunday. A showdown between the Dallas Cowboys and my beloved Minnesota Vikings. The winner playing in the NFC championship next week. This is the Vikings take on the Lord’s Prayer. Of course it’s been revised as it used to be the Packer’s prayer.
Don’t tell anyone, but I do like a good meme. It gives me an opportunity to talk mostly about myself, and I can pretend that someone out there cares. I try not to go for the basic meme, (I guess I’m a meme snob) but instead I like ’em a little more unusual. So today I bring you the Who, What, Why, Where, When and Would meme. Because there’s a little reporter inside us all.
Who can play mommy, Santa, wife, Web Goddess, and Domestic Diva all at once? I don’t know, but if you find her, send her to my house. The 2009 holiday season was a busy one. It was good, but busy! Read on…