There went Peter Cottontail…

Easter has come and gone. Can you believe how quickly this year is going by? We had a nice day at Grandma Ruth’s house. The kids had a blast looking for the Easter eggs and brunch was tasty, as always.

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Happy March!

Time certainly does fly. I can’t believe my last post was almost two months ago. Jonah and Zachary (and Chris and work and laundry, etc., etc., etc.) are keeping me very busy these days. All that’s really happened in the last seven weeks is Jonah. He’s growing like a proverbial weed. At his 6-week checkup…

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Two weeks already

Well, it’s been two weeks at home with Jonah and things are going great. He is eating like a champ. As of last Thursday he had regained the weight he lost, plus 2 more ounces–putting him at 9 pds 4 oz. He “goes to bed” between 9 and 11 and actually sleeps for 4-5 hours!…

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Welcome to the world, Jonah Edward Johnson!

Well, Jonah joined our family January 2nd, 2007, at 6:56 p.m. Look at all that blonde hair–I wonder where it came from… He weighed in at 9 pounds 2 ounces, managing to beat big brother’s birth weight by 5 ounces. He was 20 and 3/4 inches long–nice and big and healthy. Labor was long (12…

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Happy New Year!

New Year’s Eve sure is fun when you’re 3 days away from your due date! Gone are the days of ringing in the new year at the Candle Light. This year it’s a sip of champagne well before the clock strikes twelve, and then off to bed. Of course, the trade-off is worth it. There’s…

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4 Days and Counting

Well, we have four days until our new bundle of joy arrives–unless the little stinker decides to joins us early, which, at this point, isn’t very likely. There was no change in my “condition” (cervix, for you non-squeamish) on Thursday so the odds of a baby anytime soon are not good. What this means: barring…

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