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A good season

So far it’s been a very nice holiday season for the Johnsons. The season started the day after Christmas when we decorated the house. The twinkle of the Christmas lights is something I wish I could enjoy all year 🙂 The next few weeks went by in a Flurry. First we all enjoyed a nice…

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Here Comes Santa Claus…

…and we are certainly not ready for him! Of course, I’m sure we will be by the time Christmas eve rolls around. It’s hard to believe that tomorrow is December first! We actually got our tree up the day after Thanksgiving…no rushing around this year. 🙂 Speaking of Thanksgiving, we had a nice holiday with…

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O suns and skies and clouds of June, And flowers of June together, Ye cannot rival for one hour October’s bright blue weather. What an autumn the Johnson’s have had–cross-country moves, new sports activities, birthdays and holidays–”plenty of stuff to keep us busy. For those of you who like to cheat and read the last…

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Sushi, er, Seaworld!

So a week ago Sunday I received a call from our good friend Niamh (pronounced Neeve). She was looking to go somewhere for a quickie vacation and decided to head to Orlando. Woo hoo! Our first non-relative visitor from Denver.

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Birthdays, Tattoos and Disco

For the Johnsons, it just doesn’t get busier than the month of June. June 4th saw Zachary turning 4, June 17 had us celebrating Daddy’s fourth year as one, there was family to visit, tattoos to get, and a dance party to attend. Whew! I need the month of July to re-energize. Zachary’s Fourth Birthday…

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Did May zoom by as quickly for you as it did for us? Yikes, what a busy month. Besides Jonah growing like a weed, Zachary completed another year of “school.” He’s Pre-K now–how scary is that? (Pretty scary from my perspective.) That means that kindergarten is only a year away. We’d better start saving for…

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The milestones just keep on coming

Jonah is now, officially sleeping in his crib. He’s been putting himself to sleep at naptime and bedtime for weeks now, but until today has been sleeping in his Amby hammock or his playpen. Chris put the crib together last night and Jonah is peacefully sleeping in it right now. Of course, he had to…

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Jonah Rolls Over!

It’s official! Jonah hit his second milestone on Tuesday, April 24th–he rolled over for the very first time. He seems to have gotten the hang of it pretty quickly, too. Every time you put him down, he ends up on his tummy. This is a QuickTime movie, you will need the QuickTime plugin to view….

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