Shameless plug

I was inspired one day while going though some blog directories, to which I’ve become addicted (much like my husband with his online poker). I discovered that there really are people out there who want actual feedback on their site/blog. Not just the obligatory my-mom-and-grandma-and-dog-think-my-site/blog-is-cool kind of feedback, but feedback that will actually be helpful. So, “10 things I hate about your site” was born. With this blog I’m trying to reach out and make the internet a prettier place, one site at a time.

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Yep, that’s right. Zachary started kindergarten today. While I’m really excited for him, I can’t help but be a little sad, too. Kindergarten actually means s-c-h-o-o-l. Which actually means he’s not a little boy anymore (sniff).

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This I Believe

“In all honesty, what I believe is neither inspirational nor evangelical. Passionate faith I am suspicious of because it hangs witches and burns heretics, and generally I am more in sympathy with the witches and heretics than with the sectarians who hang and burn them.”
-Wallace Stegner

No matter your faity, this is an amazing essay from Wallace Stegner.

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Changes everywhere

As you can immediately see, the blog has been completely overhauled. While I enjoyed the Japanese flower version, the layout was too buggy and I often had difficulty logging into my dashboard to post. The slideshow page didn’t layout well enough, and I still had too many details to correct. So a new layout was…

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OMG It’s June!

Well, I’ve been quite the slacker, haven’t I? No posts since March? What in the world have the Johnsons been up to? Only the usual, but it’s kept us pretty busy. Chris is always busy with the route during the school year, eCollege has kept me in front of my computer, Zachary’s been attending preschool…

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We’re ready for spring!

The winter is creeping to an end. Not that there’s winter, per se, in FLA 🙂 February and March have kept us pretty busy, as usual. Work has been nice and busy, the kids are growing like crazy, Jonah is walking, and Zachary is playing t-ball.

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Where’s my head?

As if I’m not busy enough, now I’m obsessed with updating and overhauling the blog. It’s a quarter to midnight and here I sit in my office, fiddling with someone else’s CSS. I just haven’t been happy with the look since the very first version (remember the blue and purple flowers?). Leave it to me…

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