Blog Action Day: Poverty

Wordless Wednesday is on a break today, to allow for Blog Action Day. This year’s theme is poverty.

During this time of financial crisis in our country, it is understandable that people are tightening their wallets and worrying about themselves and their own. Times are tough for (almost) everyone. If you are reading this blog, however, I’m guessing that you have eaten a decent meal recently. I’d also be willing to bet there is a beverage sitting precariously close to your keyboard: coffee, soda, water (in my case, all of the above).

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Those Aussies know how to collect garbage!

I’ve become somewhat of a “green” nazi. Not in a crazed, militaristic way, but in a I-will-go-back-out-to-the-car-for-my-canvas-bags way. I have about 20 of them in the trunk of my car, and if I forget to take them into the store, I will gladly pay .99 for another one. They are just so damn handy. But…

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“Are we so lost we have to be sold our own democratic right?”

The election. You just can’t get away from it these days. πŸ˜‰ I’m not one to usually go on about politics–political discussions tend to end up in some form of debate and I’m not usually well-versed enough to argue my position. That’s not to say that I don’t have strong opinions regarding the issues and the candidates. I think “Sarah Palin hates polar bears” cleared up any confusion one might have regarding where I stand.

Another view I hold strongly was best represented by Craig Ferguson in his Sept. 10 monologue on “The Late, Late Show.”

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