Change is good

Well, it had to be done again. I didn’t have time to make the last blog theme my own by changing the layout. As a result I’ve seen many blogs in the past few weeks that look just like mine. I love this theme, but I’m not willing to “share” so to speak. Besides, as…

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Don’t put that in your mouth!

For some of you, those words will sound familiar, since it’s the title of my weight loss blog. (My pervy friends are all disappointed now!) For those of you who don’t know, I’ve been taking medication to help with weight loss since May. Things went really well—I lost 35 pounds without even trying! Things are…

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Because I’m a W-O-M-A-N

I find myself being very self-deprecating lately, when something in our household goes wrong. I can often be caught saying “Oh well. Guess I’m not getting that ‘Mother of the Year’ award.” or “Sorry honey. There goes my nomination for ‘Best Wife’.” Seriously. Why do I do that? It’s not like I’m sitting around all day eating bon-bons and watching Oprah!

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Hey, get your own URL!

The Web-Betty Blog is now officially at Our bloggy goodness is now all our own. If you have us bookmarked, please change it. If you don’t want to, that’s ok. I know some people fear change, so will still come here.

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Teenage meme

Yay, I’m back in high school again. Ok, not really, but the Un-Mom has tagged me, so I guess I have to go back. Back to big hair, bad music, pom-poms and angst. Great.

So, without further ado (To plagerize the Un-Mom), here are 7 things you should know about me as a teenager:

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If anyone besides my mother has been reading this blog, they would notice that I’ve posted several times and included the tag VOTE!

While these posts have obviously been in favor of the candidate I prefer, I hope my other message has been clear. Get off your ass and vote, no matter whom you are voting for. My philosophy on voting has always been simple: If you don’t bother to vote, then don’t bother to complain about the way things are.

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