Christmas Shopping

I’m happy to say that I have completed about 75% of my Christmas shopping. I’m sure there are those of you out there who are totally done: everything is wrapped and ready and all your Christmas cards are mailed. You are my readers who don’t have kids! 😛 So far I’m really pleased with the…

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Reuse that old luggage!

Have you been dying to figure out how to make a chandelier out of plastic store hangers? Wondering what to do with all those empty cookie tins you receive over the holidays (since you know you shouldn’t just throw them out)? Have you agonized over what to do with your Samsonite luggage now that you…

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Sick days

Jonah has been home sick the past three days. Basing my instincts on the last few times he had a fever and a cold, I did not take him in to the doctor’s office. The last two times I did I was sent home with some Tylenol and a receipt for my $25 co-pay. This…

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My life’s playlist

I’ve been toying with this post for quite some time. I came across a blog months ago with an interesting post idea: What would your life’s playlist be if it were selected at random by your music player? Of course, the audiophile in me just LOVES the idea of this post—the thought of impressing you…

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Dispelling 3 myths about HIV/AIDS

Today is Word Aids Day. Being a member of Bloggers Unite, I am writing about this topic today to help spread awareness. My contribution? Dispelling a few common myths regarding Aids. Myth #1: HIV and AIDS are the same thing. Many people are under the misconception that the terms HIV and AIDS are interchangeable. This…

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Zachary’s first joke

The Goose is trying so hard to be funny lately. He seriously gets upset if you don’t just know he’s trying to be funny. The only two jokes in his repertoire involve a fish with two knees and a hippo who cusses. Kids love animal jokes! He did get it right the other night, though!…

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Happy Holidays!

We’ve had a busy month, which explains why I’m so behind at getting pictures uploaded and displayed. I’ve even lost more credits at dotphoto since I keep forgetting to go and order my pictures. I’d better head over there and do that before midnight! I just uploaded a gazillion pics to Flickr and am in…

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Out of the mouths of babes

Kids say the funniest things. Want to know what tree mates, content lobsters, and tentacles have in common? Read on! During our window shopping on Black Friday, the boys were so good. We spent about 2 hours at IKEA. At the end of the “experience,” while looking at a picture of a tree alone in…

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Happy Thanksgiving

Today is Thanksgiving, and I have much to be thankful for. I have a wonderful family, great friends, a nice home, food for my table, clothes for my kids, and so much more I can’t begin to cover it here. We had such a nice day today (except my mom wasn’t here 🙁 ) and…

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So many things to do

Today is a day of many posts. Sorry to inundate you all, but I’ve gotten behind in some things and I’m trying to catch up. One of those things is calling our insurance company. My rate keeps fluctuating every month because of some changes I made in our coverage to lower our rates. I don’t…

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