Diffident is spring
Expand your vocabulary! There are some great words in the English language that you’ll never know. Here are a few of them.
Expand your vocabulary! There are some great words in the English language that you’ll never know. Here are a few of them.
It’s not really a prom dress, but since we dubbed the cocktail event at the Pearson Sales conference here in Orlando “Prom” it was fitting.
Are you just dying to know how I spend my days as a WAHM? Wonder no more…
Is there really anything cuter than two boys mambo-ing it up? Seriously!
Times are tough and everyone is looking to save a buck. One good way to do this is to buy pre-owned whenever possible. Places like Craig’s list, eBay, and pawn shops are guaranteed to save you money! (Oh, and you’ll be helping the environment by reusing!)
Being overweight sucks. Yes it does.
More stuff you were just dying to know about me. And my name is not Betty. 😉
Who doesn’t love Christmas programs with toddlers and kindergarteners?
What woman doesn’t love a great looking man in a tuxedo? Have the smelling salts ready…