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My prom dress

It’s not really a prom dress, but since we dubbed the cocktail event at the Pearson Sales conference here in Orlando “Prom” it was fitting.

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My life’s playlist

I’ve been toying with this post for quite some time. I came across a blog months ago with an interesting post idea: What would your life’s playlist be if it were selected at random by your music player? Of course, the audiophile in me just LOVES the idea of this post—the thought of impressing you…

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Dispelling 3 myths about HIV/AIDS

Today is Word Aids Day. Being a member of Bloggers Unite, I am writing about this topic today to help spread awareness. My contribution? Dispelling a few common myths regarding Aids. Myth #1: HIV and AIDS are the same thing. Many people are under the misconception that the terms HIV and AIDS are interchangeable. This…

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Don’t put that in your mouth!

For some of you, those words will sound familiar, since it’s the title of my weight loss blog. (My pervy friends are all disappointed now!) For those of you who don’t know, I’ve been taking medication to help with weight loss since May. Things went really well—I lost 35 pounds without even trying! Things are…

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Because I’m a W-O-M-A-N

I find myself being very self-deprecating lately, when something in our household goes wrong. I can often be caught saying “Oh well. Guess I’m not getting that ‘Mother of the Year’ award.” or “Sorry honey. There goes my nomination for ‘Best Wife’.” Seriously. Why do I do that? It’s not like I’m sitting around all day eating bon-bons and watching Oprah!

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