WordPress, domesticity, The Good Wife, and Ken Ober
It’s random Tuesday. That’s how I can relate Wordpress, domesticity, The Good Wife, Ken Ober, Pizza Hut and WriteRoom all in one post! Oh, and my blogging slump. Hopefully that is over!
It’s random Tuesday. That’s how I can relate Wordpress, domesticity, The Good Wife, Ken Ober, Pizza Hut and WriteRoom all in one post! Oh, and my blogging slump. Hopefully that is over!
John Hughes died today. Marking the passing of a man whose movies splayed my teen years out there for everyone to see. Was I the princess? Was I the athlete? Was I the basket case? Does it matter? Hughes made it okay to be whoever you were. No matter what. In the immortal words of Ferris Bueller, “Life moves pretty fast. You don’t stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it. ”
Let’s check out my “life on the line” for the week of May 1.
We have more randomness. This is the all entertainment version of Random Tuesday Thoughts. Enjoy my randomness–I often do. 😉
The Goose and I had a great chat tonight. I asked him questions, and he answered–as only Zachary can. 🙂
More shit about me. Damn Facebook!
It’s more randomness. Tom Cruise, adult disposable diapers, dogs, and wasps. That’s a lot of random thoughts!
Can you answer 15 questions, using only song titles from your favorite artist? I can. 🙂
This is my first posting for The Un-Mom’s Random Tuesday Thoughts. I’m pretty angry this Tuesday so if you’re sensitive to foul language, maybe you should move on. 🙂
Here are the winners of the February 6, 2009 W.O.O.F. writing content. The fey little man came in fourth.