Did May zoom by as quickly for you as it did for us? Yikes, what a busy month. Besides Jonah growing like a weed, Zachary completed another year of “school.” He’s Pre-K now–how scary is that? (Pretty scary from my perspective.) That means that kindergarten is only a year away. We’d better start saving for that private school now. I’m not sure the public school system is ready for the Z-man. (hee hee)

map of drive from apopka to charlestonFor Mother’s day, Chris gave me the sweetest present–he sent me to South Carolina to see my dearest friend Michelle. The boys and I went on a road trip. Sounds like a Lifetime movie, doesn’t it? Tagline: Eight hours in a car with two small children–who will survive? Actually, it wasn’t bad. We just made a lot of stops and got all sugared up. It was definitely worth the drive–South Carolina is beautiful. I wish I could’ve spent more than two days to see the sights. We did get to see the SC aquarium and downtown Charleston. Standing in what used to be the slave market was really creepy, but the antebellum homes on the water with their widow’s walks and gardens were really amazing. We’ll definitely have to go back.

June is here and is going to be just as busy as May…stay tuned 🙂


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