I’ve been a Star Wars fan ever since standing in line with my Dad at the Cooper on Colorado Blvd in Denver, patiently waiting to get in to see the best sci-fi movie ever. I wasn’t even 6 at the time, which seems SO young to watch this film. Then it hits me that Zachary isn’t 6 yet and he’s been a Star Wars fan for over 2 years now. His delight with the franchise started with Legos, and a GameCube–the Lego’s Star Wars Game–which he earned at 3 by sleeping in his own bed seven nights in a row. ((Bribery works, he really wanted that GameCube. He’s been going to bed in his own bed quietly ever since.)) I finally succumbed to the pressure and let him watch the movie when he was 4, with me and dad, of course. He followed the movie, wasn’t scared, and when talking to him about it to make sure he wasn’t scarred for life, I was the silly one, “They aren’t real, mommy!”

Fast forward a few years. While I thought Zachary was tenacious (we often refer to him as “Tenacious Z”), he’s got NOTHING on his brother. Tenacious or obsessive, you be the judge.

Jonah has grown to the ripe old age of 2, watching Zachary play all forms of Star Wars. From the Lego’s Star Wars game I, and then II; watching bits of the movie here and there when no one thinks I’m paying attention; putting together Legos Star Wars battleships; playing with the light saber Zachary was given by my brother. ((I need to remember to thank him for bringing what is akin to a baseball bat into my home, to be swung around at random.)) There is no shortage of Star Wars in this house. So it shouldn’t come as a surprise that Jonah has developed a complete and total obsession with the franchise. He literally wakes up in the morning with the battle cry “Mommy! Daddy! Star Wars!”

He loves to “play” the Lego’s game with Zachary on the GameCube, jumping up and down and mumbling to himself, just like big brother. He’s also fascinated with actual Legos. Now that I know he won’t put them in his mouth, he’s allowed to play with them. He carries his plastic container full of them through the house, perching here and there to swap out little hats, remove legs, and build little ships he then pretends to fly through the air. If it weren’t so damn annoying wasn’t such an obsession, it would be really cute. 😉

He also “conducts” whenever he hears either the Star Wars theme, or the Imperial Death March, ((You’d be shocked to know that those songs actually play on an almost daily basis here.)) and he will carry around Zachary’s Star Wars sticker book literally for hours.

Actually, it is really cute. The part that’s not fun is having to repeatedly tell him “No!” when he attempts to find and play Zachary’s Nintendo DS. That is the one thing I won’t give in on. Those things are expensive–and Zachary should have at least one thing to call his own, right?

Watching these boys, I have to wonder where they get their obsessive tendencies from. Hmm, by the way, have I mentioned that we’re going to Vegas in June? 😉

This post was generously brought to you by a box cutter. They come in handy when I have to open all those Legos boxes.


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