I know, totally lame and obvious title, but you know it’s true! I have always loved to read and from birth, both Zachary and Jonah have been surrounded by books. It seems to be working—Jonah drags books around like a security blanket, proclaiming “moose,” or “butterfly!” depending on what book he has latched on to.
Zachary was the same way—he’s always loved books and has been reading them with me from the age of 2. Now he’s in kindergarten and learning to really read, not just memorize the words. I’ll tell you this, there is nothing else quite like listening to your child read to you for the first time. Watching the reading process unfold in a child is amazing. Now I can’t find new books fast enough. Luckily, I have the internet to help in my search. If I wasn’t online, I wouldn’t have come across Frecklebox and their personalized books.
First, I don’t know who loves getting mail more, me or Zachary. When I told him he had a package in the mail he about ran me over in his attempt to get to the door. The surprise was unexpected—I didn’t tell him about the book. I think I picked a winner, because the book “Zachary Goes to the Zoo” was an instant hit. He thinks having a book with his name on every page is, and I quote, “awesome!“.
I was pleasantly surprised by the quality of the book. It was a little more expensive than an average soft-bound book, however, being personalized on every page and not just the title page made it worth the extra expense. And I was able to add my own dedication. 🙂
The quality of the images is impressive. Very sharp and colorful. ((Even Chris mentioned this, which is surprising since he doesn’t usually notice things like this.)) There are just enough pages to hold Zachary’s interest, but not so many that he gets bored. Hiding his name within every picture for him to find just added to the fun.
I’m so happy with this book I’ve decided to get one of the Personalized coloring books for Jonah. ((Coloring is his favorite thing in the word right now.)) Maybe if I have enough of them, he’ll stop coloring on himself. 😉
Tags: family, kindergarten, milestones, personalized books, school, Zachary
When he is done with it, make sure you put it away! We still have a couple we did for our kids 25 years ago and love to see them in our bookshelves because of what they meant to us and our kids.
Hi Bronsont! We will definitely take your advice. I’ve already had to hide it from Jonah so it stays in one piece. 🙂
That’s a super cute idea! I might order one for Xander for later (he loves books now, but he’s a little rough with them…plus, y’know, he can’t read).
I once saw a Batman book that you could personalize that would have been perfect for hubby, but they wouldn’t ship to Canada. 🙁 Maybe next year I’ll have to get one of my bloggy friends to receive it on my behalf 😉
You can have it sent to me!
I really like the book we received, but if you do get one for Xander, definitely keep it from him for the time being. It doesn’t taste very good. 🙂