Another view I hold strongly was best represented by Craig Ferguson in his Sept. 10 monologue on “The Late, Late Show.”
If you don’t vote, you’re a moron!
Here’s the monologue. It’s a little long, but well worth it.
As a newly-naturalized citizen of the United States, he does a great job of expressing his outrage and confusion regarding the voting process (or lack thereof) in America. I’ve never been a huge fan of his, until this show.
After his monologue, he kept on going. π Here’s part 2. Again, well worth the watch.
I’m interested to hear what the rest of you think…
…it’s a shame when naturalized citizens are more disgusted and appalled at our voting, or lack thereof than we are!
If ya don’t vote, don’t let me hear ONE WORD come out of your mouth about this country, economy, or anything else that you declined to have a right to have a say in by not voiting,
for the next 4 years!!!!!
63% of this country not getting off their lazy butts to go and do something that people in other countries are DYING to try and win the right to do is reprehensible!! I may not be able to change things by myself, but when you get the 2-3 million “I’s” that DON’T vote going, well, might just work!
My motto? “Vote early, vote often!” and I’ll try!