While we’re on the subject of domesticity, does anyone else hate grocery shopping as much as I do? I mean, I really, really hate going grocery shopping. It’s kind of an odd think to dislike so strongly, especially since I love food so much. Okay, I love food that I don’t have to cook. Maybe that’s the problem.

Since I hadn’t been grocery shopping in awhile, we ordered pizza from Pizza Hut the other night. I actually ordered our dinner online. ((God I love the internet!)) I was filling out the form and signing up for the first time ((No, I don’t make it a habit of ordering pizza for dinner.)) when I noticed the “Don’t know your zip code?” option. I may not be a brain surgeon, but really? Don’t know your zip code? How is that really possible?
I did make dinner tonight. Spaghetti. A family favorite and easy to make. All the moms reading this know exactly what I’m talking about. Now it’s nice and peaceful, with the boys in bed and Chris out playing poker. I’m enjoying a nice glass (or 3) of wine and watching what is becoming my new favorite show on TV. The Good Wife. If you haven’t watched this show you are truly missing out. This is one of the best new dramas on the tube. I didn’t really like Julianna Margulies in ER—I thought she was a stuck-up whiny bitch. But she’s fantastic in this. The stories are interesting and the cases are fresh. Sorry, I stopped to watch. You really should be watching too.
So I’m composing this blog masterpiece, not in WordPress, but in WriteRoom. I will copy and paste all of this sacred text into WP when I’m finished, but I love that WR completely covers my screen and leaves me with nothing except a green blinking curser. A cursor just waiting to be moved by my amazing prose.
Speaking of WordPress, I’m really enjoying 2.8. I know, I’m late to the party again, but I only upgraded a few months ago. Sometimes I avoid change. Anyway, while composing my last post in WP I noticed the Quick Post option. Quick post, really? How does that work exactly? I couldn’t compose a quick post if you gave me a timer, 20 minutes all to myself, and a pre-written script. Something tells me I will not ever be using the WP quick post.
But while we’re discussing WP, I do LOVE the WP app for my iPhone. I’ve already composed three drafts. Maybe one of them will see the light of day.
I’m so happy that I’ve kept a random list the past week. I actually have more randomness than I think is wise to put in one post. But that’s the beauty of random. I can save it for next week. I will leave you with one last random thing. I was really sad to hear about the death of Ken Ober. The 80’s MTV show Remote Control was one of my favorites. And while it was the birth of all things I loathe about MTV now (like no music television), I loved the game and watching the then- young Colin Quinn, Adam Sandler and Denis Leary. RIP Ken Ober. RIP.

Tags: Me, memes, random Tuesday, TV, WordPress
Dont’ know your zip code? Wow, they really make it foolproof, don’t they??
.-= Keely´s last blog ..Muzzy headed spam and some internal stabbing: Random Tuesday Thoughts =-.
Seriously. I guess I could give them the benefit of the doubt and they are thinking of people at other peoples houses. Nah…I’d rather think they are just catering to stupid people. 😉
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